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Play Pc Game on your smartphone free

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Most of the android phone can run PSX games via PlayStation 1 emulator. But when it’s come to pc games I think there is no emulator which can run pc game directly in your android device. There is a one emulator called PLAY PC GAMES ON YOUR DROID but it’s only run old x86 games like Doom, Fallout 1 Duke nuke 1 and Elder Scrolls 1 and 2. Why we can’t play new high graphic pc games like GTA4, Dirt 3, Assassin creed and many popular games. The reason behind it that pc games are too heavy for android phones processor and GPU. One thing we can do is waiting for the developers to convert pc games in android platforms like they have done with max Payne, Resident evil 4, Street Fighter IV, GTA VC and GTA 3. Or wait for Heavier processor, Ram and GPU android phones which will be enough powerful to run pc OS and pc games.
We can’t install pc operating system on android phone directly.  Although People have successfully installed windows 95, 98 and XP on android via Bochs or QEMU But its unstable and slow. However we have found a bypass way to Run PC operating system in android devices and it's software’s and Pc games. There is a app in Google app and apple store known as “Splashtop 2”. With it you can easily remote access your pc operating system. But for pc games on your android phones and tablets you need another app that’s called “Game keyboard” it will work as pc games controller.

Requirements To Run Pc Games On Android Devices.

  • A dual core Pc.
  • Game installed in PC that you want to play in android.
  • Android 2.2 or up version device.

How To Run Pc Games On Android Phone And Tablets.

  • You have to download and install Splashtop 2 software in your pc fromhere.
  • Download and Install Splashtop 2 app in your Android device.
  • Now Install GameKeyboard app in your android device.
  • After installing GameKeyboard app. Now you have to set up GameKeyboardGo to settings  → Language and keyboard→ Tick Game Keyboard? → Game Keyboard settings → Mapping and Macro → Button Mappings. Now change buttons settings. Change Button A to G. Change Button B to W. Change Button X to F. Change Button Y to S.
  • After that change your android phone keyboard to GameKeyboard.
  • Now Sign up and log in on Splashtop 2 onpc and android device using same Splashtop id and Connect your phonethrough 3G or Wifi.
  • Start your PC game on window mode or change your desktop resolution to maximum.
  • Now you gonna see your pc game on your android screen. if you didn't see GameKeyboard on android screen hold physical option key.
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If you are getting lag change the quality from sharp to smooth in Splashtop. you must have faster internet connection like 3G. your PC should be enough powerful to run a game on 60 fps so you won't get any lag playing games on android phone. Low down your game detail and resolution if your PC fail to get 60 fps. You can play only those games which supports physical ps2/ps3 controller.
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